Our linen closet was in need of a refresh. It hadn’t been touched since moving into our house 4 years ago, other than shoving all linen closet related items inside. We are a little over halfway to meeting our rainbow baby and I have been feeling the urge to do all of the projects (large and small) that I’ve been neglecting! The linen closet came to the top of my mind because it is upstairs near where the nursery will be and I know it will be used for overflow storage of baby items and in its state prior to the refresh there was no extra room!
I decided to do this refresh using only items I had on had to make it as easy as possible and very budget friendly ($0 updates are some of my favorite kind of updates).
Empty Everything Out
I started by emptying the closet of every single item. This was a great time to sort through everything. I added a number of older linens to my donation pile (I usually try to take them to local dog shelters!) and the trash (I’m looking at you nasty pillow cases).

Once everything was cleared out I grabbed the trust trim paint I have on hand – Benjamin Moore Advance Paint in Simply White. I wanted the closet walls to be durable! They were previously painted in a flat sheen and they showed every scuff and ding. I decided to paint the entire closet, shelves included, in a satin sheen that I knew would be a bit more forgiving. I chose white because the closet is pretty dark and is at the top of the stairs where it doesn’t get a lot of natural light. It was previously painted a light beige with wood shelves. I hoped the brighter white would make things easier to find.

Organize, Organize, Organize
I not so patiently waited for the paint to dry so I could put everything back together! My goal was to let everything have breathing room – I didn’t want it to be overcrowded and hard to find things like it was before.

I also wanted a little extra room for future baby related items. I am happy to report that I succeeded in my mission! One whole row of linens will be moved downstairs to our master bedroom closet once that project is finished so I have an entire extra shelf!

It’s truly amazing what a little paint, a few hours, and some organization can do for a space! It feels amazing to have a linen closet that I actually like opening now!