Baby Update – 2nd & 3rd Trimester Recap

August 27, 2020

Baby Update - The Adored Abode

It’s been a while (almost 20 weeks!) since I last gave an update on the blog about this pregnancy. I’m almost 38 weeks and I thought it was about time for another update. The baby could come at any time at this point, which is surreal, extremely exciting, and nerve wracking all at the same time.

2nd Trimester

The second trimester honestly flew by for me! I felt great, for the most part, and had a decent amount of energy.

Around 20 weeks I started feeling much better than I did in the first trimester and my raging headaches finally decreased. One positive of Covid has been that I have been able to work from home since about mid-March. This was truly a blessing. I could take naps every day over lunch, which I most certainly did for weeks – through about week 28. As long as I had my nap I had energy for the rest of the day.

2nd Trimester Symptoms

I didn’t have many “symptoms” in the 2nd trimester, other than some pretty bad round ligament pain and Braxton Hicks contractions. I somehow pulled the round ligament on my right side from my pelvis all the way to my rib cage. I truly thought I had appendicitis or something more serious after it happened. Luckily, after an appointment with my OB it was determined it was just my round ligament, thankfully. It took a while to heal and I tried to still stay active by walking, though I was definitely not moving too fast. Braxton Hicks started up around week 25 for me, which were also worse when I was walking and made doing anything more strenuous than walking nearly impossible. My visions of working out (besides walking, which definitely counts!) throughout my pregnancy were quickly squashed, but I’ve accepted that it is fine. I am still healthy and it’s only temporary – and all worth it for this sweet little babe we can’t wait to meet.

Lots of baby kicks and a quickly growing belly were two symptoms I was over the moon to experience! I started feeling faint movement around 16 weeks, and bigger movements around 20 weeks, which is the best feeling ever, though some of those kicks can be quite forceful!

3rd Trimester

The 2nd trimester flew by while the 3rd trimester has been creeping by slowly. The 3rd trimester also proved to be much more eventful than the 2nd.

At almost 29 weeks I had a bit of a scare where I thought my water broke. My OB sent me straight to the hospital where I was checked and determined it was not in fact my water and I was showing no signs of going into labor, thankfully. However, while I was at the hospital I had 2 episodes where my blood pressure dropped very low, I felt like I was going to pass out, and in turn the baby’s heart rate drop scary low. The episodes were very strange in that I was sitting upright both times they happened, I had eaten recently, and was not nervous or anxious at the time they happened. I have always had lower blood pressure, but it’s been exacerbated by pregnancy. Luckily, both times the nurses were able to get my blood pressure up and the baby’s heart rate increased. It was pretty scary though and as a result my OB had us stay overnight in the hospital for monitoring. Ever since the hospital stay and the low blood pressure episodes I have been getting weekly biophysical profile ultrasounds and twice weekly non-stress tests. Thankfully, everything has been okay so far with the extra monitoring and nothing has indicated the baby is in distress. Regardless, my OB wants me to have this extra monitoring until the baby is born. I have had a few more of the low blood pressure episodes since my stay in the hospital, but I now know how to get my blood pressure up fairly quickly.

I am very thankful for the extra monitoring and it has helped my anxiety to a degree because I get to see and hear the baby twice a week – although there is definitely pre-appointment anxiety before each appointment because if the baby doesn’t pass the tests or there is an indication of fetal distress I will be going straight to the hospital. Pregnancy after previous loss has been so filled with anxiety for me, but I have been able to keep it mostly under control – ish – though that warrants a whole post of its own.

3rd Trimester Symptoms

Weeks 28-33 I was feeling pretty great! We got a lot done in this time and I’m so glad we did because around 34 weeks I definitely started to slow down and really felt the extra weight on my smaller frame. At almost 38 weeks I’ve gained 30 pounds, which is right where my doctor wanted me to be, but I definitely feel it.

Braxton Hicks contractions were/are still in full force and getting more frequent at almost 38 weeks. The Braxton Hicks combined with lower pelvic and back cramping have made wonder on more than a few occasions… is this it?? Only to have things settle down again. I have them nearly all day at this point, regardless of if I’m relaxing or moving, but they aren’t regular enough to be considered labor contractions. The contractions aren’t painful necessarily, but they definitely make me pause.

My emotions have been the past few weeks. Crying for no reason, super happy, extremely anxious. It’s a roller coaster.

The nesting urge has been real. We’ve deep cleaned the house and organized just about everything at this point. Though I still am finding things that “could be optimized”.

Lotssssss of movement. I have nothing to compare it to, but it seems like this baby is very active and always has the wiggles! The feet have also found a favorite spot under my right rib.

Sleep has become harder as I’m up at least 4-5 nights to go to the bathroom, but luckily I can fall back asleep right away most of the time. Even limiting water before bed I still have to get up as many times… I often wonder if it’s my body’s way of preparing me for all of the future nighttime wake-ups.

Fun Things in the 3rd Trimester

The 3rd trimester wasn’t all hospital visits and doctors appointments! My mom, mother-in-law, and close friends threw me a very special (small, socially distanced, outside, mask wearing) baby shower. I was so grateful to be able to celebrate in person with my favorite women who have been nothing but incredibly supportive on our tough journey to parenthood. I truly don’t know what I would have done without these dear family and friends the past 2 years. Every detail of the shower was so thoughtful and I still smile thinking back on it.

We also had maternity pictures taken at a local park by our dear friends at No Coast Media that we will cherish forever.

This pregnancy has not been easy for me physically or mentally, from a rough first trimester, to scares in the third trimester, but I am so, so, so happy to be carrying this baby and cannot wait to meet him or her in just a few short weeks!!

More about Allie

1 Comment
    1. I’m beginning to wonder if you are a better writer than your dad. I think so! I guess I missed a little more than I thought during my 6 weeks in Michigan. Dad

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